Tag: Tom Robbins

A Petty Game Unworthy of both Men and Gods

Written June 23rd, 2009 It was Nietzsche who said: “Be careful, lest in casting out your demons you exorcise the best thing in you.” I have not been able to locate the exact book this quote derives from, but I’m fairly sure the context was his critique of “sin”,...

Defiance – Democracy’s Immune System

It’s not my intent to be purposely ‘defiant’ on this 4th of July weekend, I love my country and it’s founding principles as much as anyone, but over the past four years we’ve all seen a fevered, dogmatic version emerge, with heavy doses of Patriotism/Nationalism coursing through the veins...

On Becoming a Frog

Written March 4th, 2011 Yes, you read that correctly. Becoming a frog, and by extension, exercising my ‘frog-ness’, has always been my goal, an ideal even. And one that I actively and even passionately pursue. This, I understand, will involve something of a digression, which of course I am...