
No one should doubt how valuable science has been to us. There are quite a few Neanderthal’s among us that attempt to throw shade at science and all its accomplishments, but their arguments are fallacious and self-serving….attempting to protect their precious dogmas. To cut to the heart of the matter, I would invite them to schedule their next surgery without the use of anesthesia, and there we’ll see if their convictions match their delusion. 

Although Carl Sagan was a Cosmologist and Astrophysicist, he was also quite a writer and had a poets sensibility to the wonder of the natural world. This video of the “Pale Blue Dot” is a priceless display of how his mind considered our place among the universe.

Ever wonder about what is going on inside our bodies? I’m not referring to a fever, a headache, or a stomach growl, but at the micro level, the real nuts and bolts of our biology, the molecular engine room where the real work is being done…’s just incredible.

I discovered this video (Cody’s Lab) about a year ago and although it’s very low-tech, he give a stunning example of just how much space we’re dealing with out there, and he does it by only showing our own neighborhood and our nearest star, Proxima Centauri.